
Terms and Conditions

Delivery Times

Kumeu Flower Farm has been a member of Teleflora for over 9 years. As part of this network of about 200 approved member florists, we can deliver fresh flowers anywhere in New Zealand, as well as internationally with over 50,000 affiliated florists based in 84 countries. When you deliver with us you know your order will be handled professionally and with the best care.

For our Local orders we will process your order within 1 business day following payment in cleared funds. Payment by online banking cannot be checked until the next business day. We will send you an email notifying you when your order has been shipped. Please allow up to 2-3 working days for delivery nationally, or 1 week internationally.

Returns & Cancellation Policy

For local deliveries (Kumeu, Huapai, Waimauku, Herald Island) we hand deliver fresh cut flowers and bouquets. If your flowers do not reach you in perfect condition contact us immediately. We will do our very best to deliver on an agreed date, but such a date is not a condition of sale. Some delays may happen in regards to delivery time due to unforeseen circumstances and your order will be delivered as soon as possible after the agreed date (or when it is safe to do so). 

We may use a courier company to deliver plants, seasonal flowers and other goods outside our immediate area and nationwide. We pack our plants and flowers very carefully but on occasion damage can occur. As flowers are a perishable item we do not take responsibility for the care of them once they leave our farm. We are not responsible for other businesses/courier companies or wrong or incorrect address details and where flowers/plants are perished through transit. Aramax or any other courier company is not part of our business and we do not affiliate with them. You will not hold us liable if they loose or damage your plants/products. We will not be liable for another companies mistakes and any requests for refunds will need to be made through their website using your shipping number. If you prefer to use your own courier service please use the pick up option and arrange for the courier to pick up your order. You will need to let us know beforehand so we can let you know pick up details and that we have the order ready for pick up. 


Flowers/plants are a perishable item so we do not give refunds. If your cancel or change you mind about your order, we will advise you if the flowers have already been picked/couriered. If they have, we cannot give refunds due to the nature of the product. We dont give refunds if you change your mind on any perishable product but in some cases may give you a credit towards something else. U-Pick customers can have thier booking transfered to another date if they need to cancel but no refunds can be given due to the nature of the product.

Flower Care

We have a Flower Care Page  where you can read the care instructions. We can garuantee our flowers are freshly cut every day and will last you at least one week with proper care.


The privacy of your customer data, orders and credit cards are important to us. We will not disclose or sell your customer data to any third party. We will only send you email newsletters if you explicitly opt in.

Credit card details are not stored anywhere on our servers nor in our premises. Your credit card details are processed in real time by an independent payment gateway authorised by our bank, using secure encryption.


"Kumeu Flower Farm is one of the best Flower Delivery Options in Auckland"

We are listed here for one of the best Flower Deliveries in Auckland!