
Same Day Delivery - Florist Choice Bouquet

  • Florist Choice Bouquet
  •  Classic
  •  Tussie Mussie
  •  Super Deluxe
  •  Deluxe
  •  Standard
  • Florist Choice Bouquet
If you are not sure what to buy for someone, then leave it to us! We are specialist at making Bee-spoke Bouquets for that special occasion! Send Florist Choice Flowers today and let us know what the occasion is and leave the rest to us! Please note due to the changing nature of flowers and seasons bouquets may look a little different to the photos shown on the website but we guarantee they will be just as beautiful and packed full of flowers and fragrance.

Same day delivery to Kumeu, Huapai, Waimauku, Taupaki, Riverhead and surrounding areas. Buy the freshest flowers direct from our farm and get them hand delivered to your loved one.
NZ$ 75.00 - 225.00
Available all year
( 4.9/5 from 30 reviews )
[{"colour":"","size":"","price":65.217,"qty":29,"pid":2342196,"style":"Tussie Mussie","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid2342196/40138564_2064125860277862_2157022336572719104_n.jpg","title":"Florist Choice Bouquet"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":91.304,"qty":18,"pid":2012291,"style":"Standard","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid2012291/medium65.jpeg","title":"Florist Choice Bouquet"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":117.391,"qty":45,"pid":2040148,"style":"Classic","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid2040148/medium.jpeg","title":"Florist Choice Bouquet"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":160.87,"qty":83,"pid":2342206,"style":"Deluxe","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid2342206/Classic.jpeg","title":"Florist Choice Bouquet"},{"colour":"","size":"","price":195.652,"qty":88,"pid":2040149,"style":"Super Deluxe","disabled":false,"imgsrc":"/images/554892/pid1957731/designer_valentines_red_rose_bouquet.jpg","title":"Florist Choice Bouquet"}]
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Tussie Mussie:

A cute box presentation of our beautiful roses, seasonal flowers and foliage. These are short stemmed standard flowers. Please advise on checkout what colour pallet you prefer.

Medium Bouquet:

A small Mod box presentation of our beautiful roses, seasonal flowers and foliage. These are short to medium stemmed standard flowers. Please advise on checkout what colour pallet you prefer.

Standard Bouquet:

A medium Mod box presentation of our beautiful roses, seasonal flowers and foliage. These are medium stemmed standard flowers, slightly taller than the Medium Bouquet. Please advise on checkout what colour pallet you prefer.

Classic Bouquet:

A large Mod box presentation of our beautiful roses, seasonal flowers and foliage. These are medium stemmed standard and premium flowers. Please advise on checkout what colour pallet you prefer.

Deluxe Bouquet:

A beautiful large bagged presentation of our beautiful roses, seasonal flowers and foliage. These are medium to tall stemmed standard and premium flowers. Please advise on checkout what colour pallet you prefer.


Please note roses are one of the most difficult plant to grow naturally without nasty chemicals in a commercial enviroment. When there is huge environmental pressure on the roses (I.e High humidity, Xtreme heat or very low temperatures) you may find small blemishes on the outer petals which is a natural environmental response of the rose. These outer petals can easily be removed if needed. The only way to make them 100% blemish free is to cover them with chemicals which is bad for your health, the bees and that of the rose. Ours are not covered in Nasty chemicals to make them look flawless, but you will find they have a beautiful natural scent and will open into a beautiful rose the way nature intended :-)

Add Review

  • Quick reply and quick delivery
    Thanks for an amazing bouquet that was very quickly delivered to friends living in muriwai. 100% recommend :)
    Posted: 2024-12-27
  • Flowers for Him
    I was looking to send my husband flowers - and rang and the team organised a amazing arrangement that was just perfect and delivery was on time. Highly recommend them in future.
    Posted: 2024-12-12
  • Beautiful flowers
    Angelique was incredibly helpful in finding a delivery solution to a rural property. The flowers delivered were beautiful and the recipient loved them. So happy- thank you
    Posted: 2024-10-02
  • Stunning bouquet
    Beautiful florists choice bouquet.Ordered from Australia ,absolutely thrilled by how elegant but natural looking my bouquet was..love the idea that many of the flowers are grown on your farm. Thankyou!
    Posted: 2024-07-25
  • Very happy
    Hi, I was very happy with the service I received. Very helpful and accommodating and gorgeous flowers too. Thank you Angelique. It meant a lot to me.
    Posted: 2024-07-21
  • Beautiful!
    I sent the flowers as a get well gift and they really cheered my friend up! Thanks so much!
    Posted: 2024-05-16
  • Excellent service and fabulous bouquet!
    Great to deal with a business that cares for the customer, communicates well - and delivers.
    Posted: 2024-02-16
  • Flower Order and Delivery
    Excellent Service
    Posted: 2024-01-18
  • Phone order
    Wonderful staff. Did an old fashioned phone order. Couldn't name the flowers I wanted as I'm not a greeny. Just described it. And they nailed it! Very happy customer and recipient of flowers!!
    Posted: 2023-11-20
  • Fabulous flowers
    My friend loves the flowers, sent me a pic, truly fabulous, thank you Angelique.
    Posted: 2023-10-19

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